May 25, 2010
More potty humor
Eva Mei is really getting into the role playing. Several weeks ago I bloged about her helping all her dolls go potty. Well, this week she really got into it. We have a dolly training potty that "Mei-mei" uses. After several minutes I asked Eva if Mei-mei was done. Eva shook her head then started making grunting sounds on behalf of Mei-mei. Then she ran into the bathroom and got toilet paper to wipe her. And as if that wasn't enough, she pinched her nose and said "pee-eew." It's so funny because she doesn't pinch her noise at the nostrils, she does it on the bridge of her nose between her eyes.

May 23, 2010
Mommy Accolades
I like to give Eva Mei positive reinforcement, but maybe I'm going overboard. A friend of mine said that in Montessori schools they don't praise children for things they should already be doing, but Eva Mei is playing catch-up and so I'm saying a lot of "good jobs" and "Yays". Today we were at the store and Eva had to go potty. Since I was in there with her I took the opportunity to go too. As soon as she was done I sat down and told her she had to pull up her own pants. She did it and I say, "good job." Then I stood up and pulled up my pants and she said, "good job." I told her "thank you," and she just smiled and flushed the toilet.
May 17, 2010
One track mind
Today we went out for dinner and Eva Mei got the typical kid menu and crayons. She just learned how to trace her hand and feet with a crayon, so as soon as she sat on her booster seat she took her shoe off and per her foot on the table before I could stop her. I didn't realize she wanted to trace her foot until I yelled at her and then she put her hand on the menu and asked me to trace it. She thought it was really cool that I gave her red nail polish on the drawing. Then tragedy struck - I broke the crayon.
I'm not sure exactly how I did it or if it was broken before we got it, but all of a sudden is was broke and then there was drama. I said I was sorry and then all she could do was point to the crayon then say and sign broken. I would say I was sorry and she would then repeat it with accompanying sign for sorry. This went on all through dinner and even after I moved the crayon to the other side of the table and found another red crayon in her bag. Some things make a lasting impression...and now she knows when you break something you have to say sorry, it was an accident.
I'm not sure exactly how I did it or if it was broken before we got it, but all of a sudden is was broke and then there was drama. I said I was sorry and then all she could do was point to the crayon then say and sign broken. I would say I was sorry and she would then repeat it with accompanying sign for sorry. This went on all through dinner and even after I moved the crayon to the other side of the table and found another red crayon in her bag. Some things make a lasting impression...and now she knows when you break something you have to say sorry, it was an accident.
May 16, 2010
Swing into spring
Eva Mei discovered she loves to swing. The park next to the Comstock Park post office has toddler seats on their swings and they were perfect for a spring swing. We usually park at the library, walk through the park to the post office and then stop at the park on the way back to the car. It's a great way to hit the library and post office all in one trip. She's usually tired when we get home.
New mommy
Here is the latest mommy in our neighborhood. Mrs. Mallard hatched sextuplets and was teaching water safety this week. They would walk right up to the edge of the water but wouldn't go in.
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