January 25, 2010


I'm not making this up. Yesterday I read an article written by US News and World Report that states, "A 2006 study from Wake Forest University found frequent tanners experience withdrawal symptoms - like nausea or jitteriness - when they stop using tanning beds." I have a couple of family members who may have tanorexia. They are beautiful women who have that healthy warm glow of a summer day - 365 days a year.

The bad news is that not only has the FDA reported that tanning beds increase your chances of skin cancer by 2.5 times non-users, there is now talk that tanning will be taxed as part of the new US healthcare bill. Check out more info at this website. www.skincancer.org/five-great-reasons-to-give-up-uv-tanning-in-2010.html

Now I have lots of reasons to be proud of my pasty white legs.