I'm not sure if there is anyone left who still reads my blog...as I'm a very inconsistent blogger. Eva's just been a very high maintenance patient lately. Her surgery went well on July 16. Her first week home she developed Thrush (fungal infection in her mouth) so that didn't help her situation. She then started to have serious mental health issues. After having daily crying spells that we could not stop, my social worker and I decided we needed to see a professional.
Eva waking up in Daddy's arms.
Eva and Mei mei sleeping after surgery.
Eva starts play therapy next week and we hope this will help her develop the connections in her brain to help deal with trauma. Eva appears to be reliving the trauma she experienced as an orphan and with her first surgery in China. I'm looking forward to it as the Dr. Jeckel and Mr. Hyde personalities are about driving me to therapy.
Two weeks after surgery, Eva posing on the back deck.
Eva starts play therapy next week and we hope this will help her develop the connections in her brain to help deal with trauma. Eva appears to be reliving the trauma she experienced as an orphan and with her first surgery in China. I'm looking forward to it as the Dr. Jeckel and Mr. Hyde personalities are about driving me to therapy.
On a happier note, Eva is now talking more and using a big girl cup (normal open cup) with out anything coming out her nose. She knows her colors now and some of the alphabet. The letter 'A' is now called 'Apple' and 'U' is called 'Umbrella'. Eva loves to sing 'Jesus Loves Me' and 'The Itsy Bitsy Spider'. She does not like bugs and tells the flies to 'shoefly' and 'fly away home'. She loves water and we're due to get back to Meijer Garden to play in the fountain. She starts preschool next month and Mom couldn't be more excited for her. ; )